Lets face it, this magical time of year can be stressful and for some of us very difficult to make it through. Here are some of our top tips to help you navigate this holiday season with as little stress as possible!
Get really clear on what is important to you this season
It is so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle and everyone else's needs that we sometimes forget what is most important. Take some time to reflect and become really clear on what the holidays mean to you, what your body and soul are needing, and make a list of the top things you want to accomplish this season. Remember that taking care of yourself is the best way to be there for the people that you love! Once you've made your list and checked it twice, formulate an action plan. Jot down anything that might be helpful in making sure you get to do what will make you feel whole at the end of the year!
Give yourself some time
A wake up or bedtime ritual is an amazing way to connect with yourself and everything happening around you. So choose which works best for you and before or after you have turned off your phones, and laptops: give yourself at least 10 minutes of ME TIME! This could be breathing deeply and connecting with your body, this could be reading a chapter from your favorite book or snuggling up with a hot cup of tea!
Be Thankful:
If you haven't already started a daily practice of gratitude in November, NOW is the time. Focusing on the things we are thankful for can help make a huge difference in our everyday lives. Right now, grab a pen and paper and write down at least 5 things you are grateful for in this moment! Repeat tomorrow and the next day and the next day!
I know this can be difficult, especially around the season of giving! Remember though, that overextending yourself can be detrimental to both your physical and emotional health. If this happens you won't be able to give to anyone. So think back over the past years and anything coming up this year. Is there anything that just felt like it was too much? What did you do last year that emptied your well completely and didn't refill it at all? This year: SAY NO! Offer an alternative that is better for your well being if you feel obligated, but really check in with yourself and make sure that what you are putting your time and effort into isn't doing more damage than good.
Book a massage!
We can help! Appointments are booking fast so if you feel like this time of year can be overwhelming make sure that you reach out for help and take good care of yourself! Take advantage of our sales or specials and carve out some time to leave all your stress at the door.
If it just isn't in your budget or time isn't available make sure to give yourself some self massage every day. A little face and scalp massage before you rush out of bed, or massaging in some body butter after a shower can go a long way!